Tuesday, September 15, 2009

when boy speak...

u gulrz should get use with this term...

call u later: sometimes in the next century

commitment: a word only applied to a football team

i need space: far all my other girlfriends

let's see how it goes: back off, i'm feeling pressured

hi. ur friend looks nice: i fancy her and am using u to get to her

don't get heavy: i don't feel the same way about u

i'm not ready for a relationship: not with u, anyway

i'm very independent: i like to do things my own way, on my own terms

we can still be friends: it's over and this is probably the last time you'll ever see me

quoted from~FRIEND ME by cathy hopkins

if guys said these things to u...u have to understand the hidden meaning of it!!! beware gurlzz